Vapour barrier day 2

Finishing up the vapour barriers. Here on the first floor the bottom sections are all completed.

Vapour barrier

Last time the bottom section of the first floor is not covered, now it is covered and bonded using acoustic caulking.

Vapour barrier

First and second floor at the stair opening has vapour barrier all installed.

Vapour barrier  Vapour barrier

Here you can see that at bottom, the vapour barrier is bonded to the stud using acoustic caulking. On the top the same is done. On every stair light where there’s a penetration of the wire, we taped the hole using tuck tape.

Vapour barrier  Vapour barrier

The basement wall does not need any vapour barrier since it’s fully spray foamed. So the stair light wires are just secured using clips.

Stair light

With the vapour barrier done, we turned our attention to the ceiling and started to put resilient channels on the ceiling of the 2nd floor.

Resilient channels  Resilient channels

Resilient channels

Resilient channels


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