Today’s framing day one. Carlos Ponte and the crew from Pleasant Homes Construction is here to start the wood framing.
Today’s framing day one. Carlos Ponte and the crew from Pleasant Homes Construction is here to start the wood framing. In preparation for framing to start this Tuesday, today the first sub floor joist and plywood is delivered from RONA. Continue reading ‘First batch of framing material delivered’ » In preparation for framing to start next Tuesday, today the portable toilet is delivered by Waste Container Service, a company that’s pretty close to me. The rental of the toilet costs $165 / month. The toilet will be serviced every Tuesday to have the waste removed and toiletry supplies replenished.
Finally today, all the structural steel installation work has been completed. It’s been nearly 2.5 months since I got the foundation wall completed. Now with all the harsh winter weather going against my, I can finally move onto the next step – wood framing. Continue reading ‘Structural steel installation completed’ » Saturday morning the work on the structural steel continues. It’s a nice day, not raining or snowing, just a little windy. A lot of welding is going on to finish up the structural. One beam needs to be field adjusted and support structural welded in again and bolt installed. Here’s a video of some welding action. Today’s weather is bad, raining all morning with wind gust up to 70km/h. No work is being done on site so I take the chance to survey the work that we have completed so far. So here’s what the entire structural looks like from the back of the house. The cantilevered section you see protruding from the house is the balcony. Structural steel installation continues today. And there’s still about at least a day of work left. Let’s hope mother nature doesn’t throw too much bad weather at me to cause any more delays. Here you can see bolts being tightened and then later they will put some primer paint on. The same kind of work is expected for at least another day finishing up all the connections. Day 6 of structural steel installation. Today the crew from AMX Steel continue to finish up all the moment connections on my steel structural. If you looked at the full resolution photo of the picture from past days, you will notice that all the steels columns and beams are only secured by 2 or 3 bolts and not all of them are tightened. This is so that they can adjust the frame to level and square. Once they got the structure where it should be, they then install all the bolts and tightens them. That’s what’s remaining for the next few days. They pretty much finished the back 1/3 of the house including the balcony by the end of the day. And they are going to continue to work on it for the rest of the week. Here’s a picture of the now completed back side of the house. You can see all the moment connection’s bolts are now installed and tightened. Today structural steel installation continues. Most of the beams are secured to the column using a moment connection. But some of the beams are just simply welded and bolted. Here’s a video of the crew cuts the steel beams to fit and weld it together my front shade. |
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